“Wild 7” is the manga masterpiece of Mr. Mikiya Mochizuki, who regrettably passed away in 2016.
“The Wild 7 Hiba”, originally released in 1973 by Aoshima, is now available as a scale model with renewed contents after 51 years.
- Based on the CB750FOUR K0 released at the end of 2023, exclusive parts have been added with a new mold.
- The characteristic leg guards and jetting system are reproduced, as well as the seat.
- Helmet, goggles, short barreled Woodsman, long barreled Woodsman and M31 shotgun, which are equipment of Hiba, are also included.
*The image is a prototype. It may differ from the actual product.
*This product is a plastic model kit. Tools, etc. are separately required for assembly.
Made in Japan
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